Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Verb Conjugation: Doler, Sentir, Encontrar

Doler = To  hurt/ ache        Sentir = To feel           Encontrar = to find/ to feel
We usually use doler and encontrar (to feel) in the reflexive form to express illness/wellness  and  moods. We usually use sentir in the reflexive to express moods or feelings.
1s.t person =  me duele; me siento; me encuentro
2nd.person (informal) = te duele; te sientes; te encuentras
2nd. person  (formal) = le duele; se siente; se encuentra
3rd. person = le duele; se siente; se encuentra
1st. person = nos duele, nos sentimos; nos encontramos
2nd.person = os duele; os sentis, os encontrais
3rd.person = les duele; se sienten; se encuentran
Note: You can use encontrar & sentir interchangeably when  talking about wellness/illness or moods.

Sasha Fierce -the Alter-ego Technique


Pop singer Beyonce recently stated that she had created an alter-ego for herself, Sacha Fierce, to help her overcome  shyness when it came to the sexy dances she usually performs in her videos and performances. This is a good idea to imitate when it comes to learning a second-language. Lozanov, for some the father of the accelerated learning movement, suggested that  students created a new persona when  learning a new language. For Lozanov, students should adopt a name and nationality related to the target language and as they learned vocabulary, create a story of sorts for this character.  This will:

disconnect any previous negative experience that the student might have had with the learning process.
Prevent awkwardness when some examples could not be used for the student’s  real life circumstances.
Create affinity between the student and the culture of the target language.
Motivate curiosity and self-study.
So bring your Sasha Fierce, or Pedro Perez, or Rosa Montoya or elipe Romero or Andrea Sarmiento to your Spanish  practise and zest, imagination and fun to your learning.